Saturday, November 26, 2011

What I Wore Today #21

Hello everyone! How are you all doing on this lovely Saturday?
I woke up so early today, they're renovating our street right now, and the workers start at 6am, which is so annoying because I seriously can't get any sleep, especially if I come home late, at times like 3-4am... sigh. I just hope they will finish it soon.

Anyway, on a better note - This is what I wore yesterday!
I'm a huge huge faux fur fan, I own so many, in lots of colours, sizes and shapes, and I decided to wear my vintage mid-length black one this time, which is one of my favorites! 
And I couldn't help myself; I just had to pair them with all black, because I honestly swear by the colour black! It's my favorite colour to wear, it's just such a classic, so elegant and timeless. I simply love it! I think the patent bag and the military style lace-up boots really give it an edge!
By the way, I was in such a rush, that I forgot to put my bling on. :( No rings for me this time unfortunately... But nevertheless, I still adore this whole outfit!


  1. Aw, thank you! I'm really trying to document all of my outfits, but sometimes I'm in such a rush that I completely forget, or just simply don't have time! I've been planning to take proper pictures, not ones taken by mobile, so hopefully I'll be able to do that soon! :)

  2. please follow my blog youve inspired me and your so gorg! xxx
