Monday, July 25, 2011

What I Wore Today #9

Last night I attended a good friends birthday party, and I have to say everything was so pretty! Pink balloons and bows and sparkles everywhere!
Shortly after, I had to leave for work though, so I decided to wear something that would be suitable for both occasions. 
The weather was a bit cold again, like in the past few days, so this white trench coat, which is one of my favorites, was perfect for the occasion! I blinged it up a little with sparkly glitter shoes and some accessories. I also had a cute fur clutch with me, but that was inside my bag, so it's not visible on the picture.
Trench: Missy
Pants: Zara
Shoes: DIY
Rings: Diva
Top: H&M


  1. You look lovely, very elegant!

  2. Oh!!!!! You look like a dream, so pretty and cool! Perfect items!

  3. You guys are too sweet! Thank you! :)
    I'm attending a black & white party tonight, so I'll have to look for another similar set to wear today! xo
