Friday, July 1, 2011

Super Sale at H&M!

So yesterday I went to check my local H&M out, and to my surprise their super sale started that exact day!
They had a buy 3 and get the cheapest for free offer, from all the items that were marked down!!! 
I spent probably an hour just browsing around and trying everything on!

These items that I got were all originally sold for almost 3 times as much, so for this amount of money, it was a bargain!
Safe to say, I'm definitely visiting our H&M store again tomorrow! Maybe I'll find some more hidden treasures! xoxo

I've been searching for the perfect white blazer for SO long! 
I have so many blazers, in every colour, but for some reason I could never find a white that I loved.
Well I can say I have finally found it!
And $20 for this wardrobe essential piece, it was definitely one of the best buys I've made in a while!

This dress immediately caught my eye! The colour is just so cute and totally in this summer! 
Bright neon colours are a must trend this year so I was happy to have found this in my size.

This dress is from H&M's Conscious Collection, which consisted of all white and nude items. 
I found it a bit too long for my liking, even though I got the smallest size, but I decided to get it anyway! 
I will give it the chop sometime, and just cut the bottom layer off! That way it will be perfect.

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